Rate rises

Rate rises

Rate rises

We discuss what we're doing to help our clients navigate the property market with rate rises in mind.

Our landowners have not been immune to the environment, being exposed to so many rate rises, which were completely out of the blue for a lot of people after they had promised that they would not see that for a number of years. Our team did not only become very cautious but we’ve really spent a lot of time minding our tenants and making sure they know everything will be okay. Also, there has been a great portion of talking alongside with property owners to make sure they know there is light on the other side of the inflation and rate rise season.

For the first half of the year, it is probably gonna get a little bit harder before it gets easier, so an important part our team is doing is being the active advice piece to our clients whether they are tenants, owners, or vendors looking to sell, buyers looking to buy in the market. It is the act of providing that active advice piece that will shine a light on the economic environment as well as the costs involved in owning and managing a property.


Due to this rate rise, there will be a lot of challenges, but one thing will never change and that is the quality of care that is required that we certainly provide to our clients. Additionally, our team is really well placed to be able to offer the active advice piece and the support piece to all parties involved.