3 mistakes to avoid

3 mistakes to avoid

3 mistakes to avoid

Selling your home?!

Here's 3 mistakes to avoid when selling your home video!

Here are three (3) common mistakes of selling your property.


1) Overpricing / Underpricing is the most common mistake.

Overpricing will not attract the right buyers because it is "not the right value". Underpricing is also a massive issue. Agents not getting the right value from the start could let you lose thousands of your greatest investment. Thus, it is significant to speak to a local agent who is knowledgeable and versed in the market to make sure you get your property valued at the right price the first time. 


2) Not investing in Marketing is a big no. 

This could be the difference between $10,000 to $40,000 on your final price. However, through marketing, you get to advertise why your property is better than the others. You get more eyeballs, more clicks, and more buyers through your front door.


3) Letting your Emotions get in the way is a big mistake. 

Selling properties is about the facts, the data, and your whys. You have to remember why you went on the market in the first place.